October 21, 2015

30 Day Small Business Cleanse: Day 20

Yesterday: Donate or recycle any old tools, supplies, technology, phones, materials, furniture etc. that you no longer use.

On a regular basis, we find that we have tools, or materials or technology that we no longer use and do not plan on using hanging around in the studio. We like to donate these items to a local charity like Goodwill or the Council for Jewish Women Thrift Shops.

It's really helpful to go through your work space periodically and not just clean things up but clean things out. We all end up holding onto things that we don't need. This exercise finally gave us permission to get rid of an electric pencil sharpener that hasn't worked in months. We've tried fixing it, we've tried banging it, we've tried cursing at it (amazingly that last one, didn't do a thing!) but nothing worked. We also donated a few items from our studio kitchen and bathroom as well as some supplies that we no longer used.

It feels really good to clean house every once in a while. We don't always make the time to work on these smaller tasks. But when we do, it can make a world of difference.

Today: Make a list of the business goals you would like to accomplish by this time next year. For each goal, list 3 concrete steps you can take. One in the next few days, one in the next few weeks and one in the next few months.

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